- Program hari Raya Pemuda BN Jasin
- Something for PAS to think about
Program hari Raya Pemuda BN Jasin Posted: 26 Aug 2012 11:11 PM PDT |
Something for PAS to think about Posted: 26 Aug 2012 07:21 PM PDT Something for PAS to think aboutThe Pakatan Merdeka Day slogan goes 'Sebangsa, senegara, sejiwa'. What does sebangsa mean for DAP, you think? Senegara to PAS is easy — satu Negara Islam. Sejiwa bagi PKR ialah … satu isi rumah? After all, the party de facto leader is the husband, the party president is the wife and the party vice president is the daughter. Chinese FirstThe chart below is the results of a national opinion poll conducted by the Merdeka Center from 24 May to 7 June, 2006. The survey findings were resurrected by Raja Petra Kamarudin and reported in FMTyesterday. It shows the Chinese are Race First while the Malays are clear and away Muslim First. The Indians are truly the most patriotic. Yet ironically, their community is the one most beset by the problem of statelessness and lack of proper documentation, i.e. not possessing birth certificate, MyKad and citizenship papers. About the surveyThe percentages for the three major ethnicities featured in the bar chart above do not tally 100 percent as there were other combination answers: 5% with reference to Malay respondents, 4% to Chinese and 6% to Indian. The Merdeka Center did a fairly comprehensive opinion poll across a spectrum of Malaysian attitudes. Its 87-page report can be viewed in pdf here. The survey was funded by the Asia Foundation, whose summary report can be read here. Raja Petra's abstract can be read in his Malaysia Today column (excerpts below):
The consensus is that the survey indicated sharp differences of views on religion and national identity among the Malays, Chinese and Indians. Reality vs alternate universeThe Merdeka Center findings realistically reflect the attitudes of the three communities on race and religion. Firsters who must invariably attack any mention of this reality are either in denial or deliberately wish to mislead the opposition-supporting public. Granted that the poll was taken six years ago and attitudes may have shifted somewhat. The survey revealed that in 2006, zero percent of Chinese had wanted Malaysia to become 'more Islamic' while a mere two percent of Chinese felt that implementation of Islam should be increased by introducing hudud. Therefore the DAP evangelist politicians who are not objecting to hudud today on account of political expediency, and who hypocritically don Muslim garb, are not representative of the larger Chinese population. Nonetheless, they appear to have swayed some Anglophile Chinese towards accepting the installation of hudud for the sake of Pakatan politics. This is an important point to note because it is inaccurate to describe the DAP new wave fundamentalist politicians as "Chinese chauvinist'. They're not Chinese creatures but political animals — chameleons. What did Tunku Abdul Rahman believe?Tunku is called Bapa Kemerdekaan and Bapa Malaysia. He was also the father of the Alliance — a coalition of three race-based parties, i.e. Umno, MCA and MIC. (The BN was created by Tun Abdul Razak Hussein in June 1974.) Therefore, Tunku most certainly practised communal politics which reflected the on-the-ground situation of his time. Remember all the racial classes between Bintang Tiga and Malays after the Japanese WWII surrender as well as the race riots in Singapore and Penang which occurred in the 1950s and 1960s predating May 13. Datuk Onn Jaafar had wanted to open Umno to the other races and make it the United Malayan National Organization. His idea was rejected and thus he had to leave the party. Some of Datuk Onn's loyalists followed him out of Umno. Tunku did not leave the party along with Datuk Onn and the other Malay leaders. Tunku stayed on in Umno, the Malay party. This means that Tunku did not agree with Datuk Onn that Umno should be turned into a multi-racial entity. He agreed for the status quo to be maintained. What is SABM smoking?Haris Ibrahim founded Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM). Haris believes that "national unity" had been the vision of Tunku Abdul Rahman. Haris speaks glowingly about 'The legacy and inspiration left to us by Tunku' as the foundation for building SABM. Aside from Tun Hussein Onn, Haris does not believe that any of the other Malaysian premiers, past and present, shared the same vision of national unity. Haris had previously criticized Najib Razak for being clueless about "the Bangsa Malaysia soul" – keyword 'jiwa' as with the Pakatan Merdeka Day slogan – when he blogged his series of postings (linked below): Haris believes that to achieve Bangsa Malaysia, "You don't have to have a common language, if you have the same jiwa (heart, spirit, passion, devotion)" — see Part 2. Najib fail, Mahathir fail, Hannah distinctionHaris says Najib's 1Malaysia will fail because it has "no concrete ideas … about how to go about changing hearts and minds so that Malaysians see each other as just Malaysian and not Malay, Chinese, Indian, etc." "The jiwa of the man behind Vision 2020 [Mahathir Mohamad] was not in sync with that of the ordinary Malaysians who struggle to make ends meet," Haris had written in Part 2 also. Haris asks his readers: "Are you getting a sense of the jiwa of the man [Najib Razak] who now proposes to unite us all as a nation of a single people?" – see final part. Haris further scoffs at how Najib "would have us believe that his 1Malaysia is the roadmap to the Bangsa Malaysia that Mahathir spoke of [in his Vision 2020 blueprint]". Instead Haris gives his own explanation of the ideal Anak Malaysia individual in his posting, 'The mind and heart of anak Bangsa Malaysia'. Haris extolled Hannah Yeoh as "excellent candidate material" and the perfect 'Beyond Race' leader to help the country achieve his vision of Bangsa Malaysia. The website has this story: "In a bid to reject racial politics, a state assemblyperson attempted to register her daughter's race as 'Anak Malaysia' but was told by national registration officers that the current system does not allow this."The six-day-old baby girl, Shay Adora Ram, who almost became the nation's first official 'anak Malaysia', is the first child of Subang Jaya assemblyperson Hannah Yeoh and Ramachandran Muniandy."The parents went to the National Registration Department headquarters in Putrajaya today to register Shay for her birth certificate."We were given a form to fill up. So we put 'anak Malaysia' in the column for 'race', but we were told by the officer that her race must be defined according to the parents' race, which is Chinese or Indian," Yeoh (right) told Malaysiakini when contacted today.'"We replied that my daughter is not Chinese or Indian'.". DAP's Malaysian First is almost indistinguishable from SABM whereas the SABM firmament is orbited by Firster stars. Tunku hijackedSABM have marketed Tunku Abdul Rahman as the mascot for their colour blind and "beyond race" branding. Tunku was father of the Alliance. Umno and MCA had allied with each other – much like the Pakatan 2008 electoral pact – to contest the 1952 Kuala Lumpur municipal election. Tunku's Perikatan beat Datuk Onn's Independence of Malaya, a multi-racial party. Umno-MCA won 51 seats out of 52. IMP did not win any. Even Datuk Onn himself failed to secure a seat in his native Johor Baru. MIC joined the Alliance in 1955. Not only was Tunku responsible for the communal party formula but the framework itself was entrenched under his stewardship. If Tunku had believed in a non-race based political approach, he would have departed from Umno together with Datuk Onn. That he didn't meant that Tunku rejected the idea of the multi-racial party as a vehicle for national unity but preferred the Alliance consociational model instead. Therefore, isn't it bizarre that Haris Ibrahim and his SABM could conscript the late Bapa Parti Perikatan to become a poster boy for their Jom Ubah new politics? It's as bizarre as Haris' "excellent candidate material" endorsement for a politician who supported Anwar Ibrahim's Sept 16 takeover bid when Haris is Malaysia's foremost hunter of 'frogs'. |
BILA GUAN ENG JADI "LATUK BESAR"!!!!!! Posted: 26 Aug 2012 06:53 PM PDT Punca orang Cina menyembah Guan Eng bagai 'tokong'Didakwa Timbalan Ketua Menteri (I) Pulau Pinang Mansor Othman telah berkata dalam sebuah mesyuarat dalaman PKR:
Tindakan Mansor mengibaratkan Guan Eng sebagai "tokong" itu amat bertepatan sekali. Bayangan ini keluar dari mulut sekutu — timbalan Kim Guan Eng sendiri. Bukan lawan politik yang kata. Bukan salah seorang daripada "10,000 sibertrooper Umno" (kononnya lah, mengikut cerita Lim Kit Siang) yang membuat tuduhan. Ianya diluahkan oleh seorang politikus Pakatan pada peringkat tertinggi pentadbiran negeri. Juga Mansor ialah seorang naib presiden PKR. Sikap riak Guan Eng memang diketahui khalayak ramai dan diakuri masyarakat bukan Cina. Namun apa gerangan kaum Cina di Malaysia yang masih lagi mahu menyembah Kim yang rata-rata tidak disukai kaum-kaum lain? Kata dulang paku serpihMasalah DAPster-DAPster ialah Sindrom Asyik Menafi (In Denial Syndrome) yang membelenggu diri mereka. Sebaliknya mereka menuduh seteru Guan Eng pula yang takbur. Lihat pada komen oleh seorang pembaca Malaysiakini yang menggelar dirinya 'anak,bangsa,malaysia'
– dipetik dari maklumbalas kepada rencana Malaysiakini bertajuk 'Chua slams Mano in front of Chong Wei' Tengok juga pada komen-komen lain pembaca Cina yang ditinggalkan di rencana tersebut: Apakah orientasi politik si pembaca yang ghairah melontarkan kata-kata nista terhadap jaguh badminton Lee Chong Wei? Semestinya pro-DAP. Sila tengok pada komen (bawah) yang di'screenshot' daripada rencanaMalaysiakini yang disebutkan tadi. Tidak syak lagi individu ini DAPster. Penilaian yang tersasarDalam rencana Malaysiakini kelmarin 'Guan Eng 'arrogant', says Mansor in leaked minutes' disebut bahawa 'Gelagat Anwar' – laman yang mendedahkan catatan minit mesyuarat PKR itu – adalah "an obscure blog" (sebuah blog yang tidak dikenali umum). Rencana susulan hari ini di Malaysiakini pula menggambarkan 'Gelagat Anwar' sebagai "a little-known blog". Sebenarnya 'Gelagat Anwar' bukan blog sembarangan. Setakat ini ia sudah mencapai 13.3 juta hits. Di samping itu, 'Gelagat Anwar' mempunyai ranking dalam negara pada tangga #6,944 – lebih tinggi (yakni mempunyai lebih ramai pembaca) berbanding '' yang hanya menduduki ranking #13,679 – mengikut pemantauan sistem Alexa yang mengukur laluan trafik Internet. 'Gelagat Anwar' juga selalu muncul dalam Top 5 blog-blog paling popular bahasa Melayu yang bertapak di WordPress. Maka untuk Malaysiakini dengan sewenang-wenangnya mengatakan 'Gelagat Anwar' berupa "an obscure blog" dan "a little-known blog" adalah jauh menyimpang. Jadi tak hairanlah kita bila melihat DAPster-DAPster tidak berpijak di bumi nyata. Papa dan Mama DAPster bermaharajalelaPerangai samseng penyokong pembangkang boleh dipupuk di alam maya kerana begitu ramai mereka yang menggunakan media sosial. Jaringan online mereka bukan setakat di Facebook dan Twitter tetapi termasuk menguasai forum-forum seperti Lowyat dsb serta penghantaran surat berangkai(chain mail) yang berciri menghasut. Lebih-lebih lagi, ada di kalangan si DAPster ini yang asyik berhubung melalui "protected account" (akaun yang tertutup). Dengan itu orangramai tidak akan dapat menjejak fitnah-fitnah yang begitu giat ditebar dan disebar puak-puak mereka. Seperti pada suatu masa dahulu penyokong pembangkang berteriak bahawa Kuala Lumpur milik mereka, pada masa kini alam maya khususnya portal (termasuk akhbar Selangor Times) bahasa Inggeris juga di bawah telapak kaki mereka. Pasal Buletin Mutiara itu tak payah cakap lah – ia macam devotional hymm bookberzikir kepada Kim Guan Eng (terpaksa merujuk kepada konsep penganut agama Kristian kerana tiada fahaman yang seerti dalam BM, setahu saya). Ketaksuban para pengikut DAPsterisme lah yang membolehkan dewa-dewi DAP ini dipuja sebagai 'tokong'. |
BILA MCA BERCAKAP MENGENAI HUDUD! Posted: 26 Aug 2012 06:50 PM PDT MCA dikafir harbikan oleh Pakatan atas pegangan anti-hududnyaSila juga rujuk silang Kanun Prosedur Jenayah (Akta 593) seperti yang terkandung dalam jadual, termasuk hukuman untuk kesalahan mencuri kereta, mencuri harta tuan, mencuri dengan melakukan kekerasan dsb.Hukuman ke atas kesalahan mencuri yang diperincikan mengikut Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) adalah seperti dalam Seksyen 379 di bawah. Sekiranya undang-undang persekutuan sudah menetapkan hukuman-hukuman yang disebutkan di atas bagi kesalahan mencuri, maka undang-undang negeri yang mengkehendaki tangan seorang pencuri dipotong adalah bercanggah. Berikut ialah huraian Prof. Shad Saleem Faruqi: Syariah Courts Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1965 "The powers of State Assemblies to legislate for crimes is a limited and derived power. It is not inherent. The Constitution in Schedule 9, List II, Item 1 says that syariah courts "shall not have jurisdiction in respect of offencesexcept in so far as conferred by federal law". |
Posted: 26 Aug 2012 06:46 PM PDT Malays ... can be smart in their politics!![]() Interesting extracts from this article by CT Ali in Free Malaysia Today: ---------------------- I no longer see PKR as the weakest link within the Pakatan Rakyat coalition. PAS has been PAS all along and its interest lies more in what is to come in the after-life than what is done here on this earth. But what concerns me is DAP. Everything DAP does is too contrived, too slick and too rehearsed to be kosher. I worry that there maybe truth in the adage that the Chinese, who already have economic power in Malaysia, now also wants political power. Am I talking as a Malay? For sure I am! The fact is, the Malays are now being asked to forgo political power but in return for what? Well, it cannot be to give political power to DAP? And if you ask me by DAP, do I mean the Chinese? For sure it I do. And let not any of you use the "racism" argument to "hantam" me! I am far from the maddening crowd. ---------------------- More of CT Ali ---------------------- Opportunistic DAP Why is there a need for DAP to say that no matter how many seats the party wins in the 13th general election, Anwar Ibrahim will be the prime minister if Pakatan wins? By inference, does it indicate DAP's growing confidence that more seats are coming its way? DAP is a Chinese-dominated political party. Just as Umno is for the Malays and MIC for the Indians. And when one race dominates any single entity the interest of that race will be of paramount importance to those within that party. This is the reality. I know that DAP is in with PAS and PKR in the Pakatan coalition because it is politically expedient for it to do so – it's a marriage of convenience. ---------------------- Malays are not stupid I suggest DAP leaders tone down on the rhetoric and allow Lim Kit Siang to be the face of DAP with assistance from Lim Guan Eng (party secretary-general) and Karpal Singh (DAP chairman). The younger leaders sound too brash and too eager to take on the Barisan Nasional line-up by themselves. The Malays are not stupid. The moment they think that giving their votes to Pakatan is a vote towards giving the Chinese political power, there will be a mass defection to Umno by the Malays. We Malays know what DAP thinks of Anwar. DAP respects Anwar as it does Najib Tun Razak or Muhyddin Yassin and will put up with Anwar if it gives DAP a national platform politically. What DAP will do with Anwar and how it will "manage" Anwar once he is prime minister is another issue altogether. That is the part that worries me. What sort of a government will there be if its leaders are not sincere in their attempts at working as an entity with a prime minister they have chosen? Will it be a case of "give and take" between Anwar and DAP or a matter of "take and take" as DAP consolidates its position within the Pakatan coalition by "managing" Anwar – especially if DAP has more seats than PKR in Parliament. ---------------------- Last one from CT Ali: ---------------------- PAS also using Anwar The Malays also know that PAS is using Anwar for the same reason and PAS, too, has the same opinion of Anwar as DAP has. But for the Malays PAS is not only Malay but also an Islamic entity, so the Malays are comfortable with PAS. What the Malays are not comfortable with is giving political power to the Chinese should they cast their vote for Pakatan in the coming polls. That fine balance of the Chinese having economic power and the Malays having political power must be maintained. This is not often spoken of in polite society. ---------------------- Read more here. |
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