- Nik Aziz tells why ‘Islamic state’ dropped!!!!!!
- Dap secret agenda to rule Malaysia
- Why the 1Malaysia agenda is important
- URGENT - Manager Sent You a Message
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Posted: 09 Jun 2011 02:49 AM PDT
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Nik Aziz tells why ‘Islamic state’ dropped!!!!!! Posted: 09 Jun 2011 02:17 AM PDT KOTA BARU: His face glowed as he explained Pas' decision to rebrand the party's controversial plan to turn Malaysia into its version of an Islamic state.Sitting in his office in Kota Darulnaim, the Kelantan state gover nment's administrative building, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, flipped through a copy of the Quran on his desk to read a verse from Surah Al Baqarah, which he said, explained the Pas leader ship's decision to shift focus on the call for a benevolent s t at e . The party's decision to do aw ay with the term "Islamic state", he said, was the right move since some people found the ter m un - acceptable, even scary. Most importantly, he said Pas had not discarded the principles behind its struggle as an Islamic movement, which is based on the Quran and hadith (the sayings of the Prophets). He said he had n e ve r labelled Kelantan an Islamic state, despite the state government grad - ually implementing policies based on Islamic rule. Nik Aziz refuted claims that the party had discarded its Islamic state agenda to suit the opposition coalition, whose members, Parti Keadilan Rakyat and the DAP, subscribed to secularism. He emphasised that the benevolent nation that Pas was striving for would not be one that just focuse on economic prosperity. "The term kebajikan or welfare in Islam is very broad." Nik Aziz said Kelantan could have earned a lot of revenue if the state government had is su ed gambling licences but it chose to ban gambling. "Gambling only brings about problems," citing an example of a polic y of a benevolent state already in place in Kelantan. Excerpts from the interview are as follows: On Kelantan being a model benevolent state • Besides implementing various welfare schemes for the people the Pas-led state government also has policies which bring good to the people. On its benevolent state concept mocked by detractors • They are nationalists, who are afraid that our plans for the country, which are based on Islamic teachings, will destroy their plans. On Tun Dr Mahathir Moh a m ad 's statement that DAP chairman Karpal Singh had won, now that Pas had discarded its Islamic state agenda • Karpal had withdrawn that statement (his infamous "over my dead body" pledge. It was reported that the DAP stalwart had since apologised.) Nik Aziz said it was the former prime minister who had threatened to impose Mageran (National Operation Council) on Kelantan if the state went ahead and implemented hudud on Muslims convicted of penal crimes. He claimed to have proof, in the form of a letter. On the possibility of Pas losing the support of traditional voters who want to see the party continue its struggle to set up an Islamic state • Support will not wane. They will understand why the party leadership is no longer focused on an Islamic state. On Pas as an Islamic movement • Pas' role is to spread the message of Islam in a practical way to all mankind, carry out the dak - wa h as well as take political action that will translate into justice as embodied in the Sharia of Allah to the people. On Pas' future and the role of ulama • The party will continue to be inclusive. I am happy that support from the non-Malays is increasing. The ulama class in the party was not overshadowed during the recent party elections. If we put together the votes of the two who lost in the fight for the deputy presidency's post, the total votes secured by Mohamad Sabu is still lower. But we in Pas uphold democracy and members will throw their support behind the new deputy president. Read more: Nik Aziz tells why 'Islamic state' dropped | ||
Dap secret agenda to rule Malaysia Posted: 09 Jun 2011 02:02 AM PDT
DAP-SNAP merger can topple state BN — Lim KUCHING: A local scholar has described SNAP as "an essentially dead party" and is puzzled why the DAP wants to merge with them. Unimas' Faculty of Social Sciences Associate Prof Dr Andrew Aeria wondered if DAP had thought it through before it proposed the merger recently. "SNAP is essentially a dead party and has the DAP done its homework?" he directed this question at DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng during a public forum entitled 'The Myth of 2011 Sarawak State Election: Only The Chinese Voters Swung to PR' here last Sunday. Dr Aeria's question brought laughter to the hall before the Chief Minister of Penang addressed the doubt. "It depends on how you define 'dead'. There was this case in Penang where a doctor pronounced the death of a patient but the patient came to life later," Lim quipped. He added that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) aimed to see straight fights in Sarawak and the merger between DAP and SNAP would be seen as consolidating forces with the ultimate objective of taking down the present government. Lim said the merger would also represent a sign of sincerity of the DAP in reaching out to the non-Chinese communities. Hoping not to see animosity as a result of the merger talks, Lim said the move was targetted at tackling Barisan Nasional during elections to initiate radical changes. Meanwhile, at a news conference on the same day, DAP Sarawak chairman Wong Ho Leng admitted that the party had held talks with SNAP's senior leaders here. Another meeting would be held in Miri soon. "The merger is to strengthen PR and not to weaken it. It is also one essential way to avoid multi-cornered fights in future," he said. The Sibu Member of Parliament and Bukit Assek assemblyman said the merger talks so far appeared positive but he came up with a different definition for the word. "Positive here does not mean a successful merger," asserted Wong, who is a lawyer by profession. He pointed out that the merger, if materialised, would dispel the perception that DAP was a Chinese party. DAP now has Bumiputera branches in places such as Sungei Merah, Sibu Jaya and Dudong in Sibu as well as Sri Aman and Balai Ringin. "These are all Iban-majority, if not branches with all Ibans. DAP is not a single-race party although I cannot give you (reporters) off hand how many non-Chinese members we have," he said. Whether he agreed that SNAP "is an essentially dead party", Wong replied: "I'm never able to agree that SNAP is a dead party as we should always support one another." He said no political parties deserved to be termed as 'mosquito party', regardless of their size and strength. "No doubt that SNAP did not do well in the election but this is not the reason we cannot work together to strengthen Pakatan Rakyat. DAP must reach out to engage all races." tunku : why dap need to merge with snap? why not pkr? pkr has more native members than the dap. dap is slowly taking lead in pakatan and trying to get all the people so that when the time come they can ditch pas and pkr. it seems like they want to take all by themselves without the other two.pas and pkr is being RULED by dap right now.dap is aiming at taking over the country slowly and pkr and pas is helping them to achieve that mission without realizing that they will be kicked out one day by dap, they are just using pas and pkr.they had hold pkr in their fist by making karpal the lead counsel for anwar's sodomy case. they know everything about anwar and anwar now have to bow to them.pas stupidly following pkr footstep in becoming the donkey of dap.we hope pas and pkr members will realize of this secret agenda of dap and show them the door out before it's too late. Posted by tunku at 9:24:00 PM | ||
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ISU UDA KENAPA ADA SYARAT GILA INI Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:55 PM PDT | ||
Why the 1Malaysia agenda is important Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:36 PM PDT Why the 1Malaysia agenda is importantCERITALAH by KARIM RASLANIn the country's current political climate, the hardliners seem to be gaining ground as the moderate voices are drowned out. Despite the gloom, one positive factor stands out – the overall good sense and moderation of Malaysians. ON MAY 7, Utusan Malaysia carried yet another explosive front-page article reporting on a meeting of church leaders in Penang with the headline "Kristian Agama Rasmi?" (Is Christianity the Official Religion?). The article and the polemic that followed marks a new low in Malaysian public life as we struggle to cope with competing visions of how our nation should be constituted, ordered and run. There are five main points that I would like to make about the incident and what it says about Malay sia's current political situation. Firstly – and this is self-evident – the Malay hardliners are gaining ground as moderate voices are drowned out. Whilst many of us are sceptical about Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's 1Malaysia agenda, events like this underline its importance to the nation as a whole. Still, there is a mounting consensus within Umno, especially after the Sarawak state polls, that non-Malay votes, especially the Chinese, will not return to Barisan Nasional. As such, an alternative strategy is being proposed, namely that Umno should focus exclusively on the Malay heartlands. Amidst such thinking, ideas such as nation-building across racial and religious lines are becoming increasingly passé and irrelevant. Of course, this approach is fundamentally flawed. More importantly, the Malay community is itself deeply divided. A rock-solid block of Malay voters – an estimated 30% – are committed PAS supporters. They will never vote for Umno. In the past, this reality forced Umno to occupy the middle ground, canvassing for non-Malay votes in order to control the Dewan Rakyat. Ironically, the political terrain has been upended so much so that PAS seems to have assumed Umno's more conciliatory and inclusivist stance. Secondly, the growing might and confidence of the hardliners also means that Barisan's ethos of give-and-take is slowly but steadily falling apart. This is very dangerous, especially since such "winner-takes-all" views are already feeding into the civil service. The steady decline in understanding and mutual cooperation across racial and religious lines will in evitably eat away at Barisan's once unshakeable hold of Sabah and Sarawak's non-Muslim bumiputra communities, most of whom are staunch Christians. However, it is worth bearing in mind that once the culture of shared aspirations and tolerance is lost it will be hard for Barisan to retain the support of other minorities. Exclusivism, once adopted, has a pernicious impact on intra-commu nity relations. As such, it remains to be seen whether the Indian community will truly remain in Barisan's embrace right up to election day. The third point concerns PAS' future intentions. Many in Umno now view PAS as their logical electoral partner. They see this alliance as one that would unite the Malays, whilst ousting the difficult and overly demanding non-Malay communities. However, this view ignores decades of mutual antipathy and loathing between the two majority Malay parties. I cannot envisage a scenario in which Tok Guru Nik Aziz (Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat) could ever work with Umno. Moreover, I'm not sure Tok Guru Hadi Awang (Datuk Seri Hadi Awang) would settle for the post of Deputy Prime Minister. In short, PAS smells power and is playing to win. Fourthly, as these political alignments continue to shift and public rhetoric becomes ever shriller, you can guarantee that many Malaysians will vote with their feet. The uncertainty and the ugliness of the debate gnaws away at business confidence. Malaysia's brain drain, as reported by the World Bank, and capital flight will only accelerate. Unfortunately, the more open and free-wheeling environment has revealed the inadequacy of Umno's cadres in explaining and winning over middle Malaysia. Having grown up with a compliant mainstream media, they are unable to debate issues of substance with the opposition head-to-head. Finally, before the gloom becomes too oppressive, I have to stress one positive factor, namely the overall good sense and moderation of the Malaysian people – you, out there. Thankfully, most of you have switched off from politics. I guess you are too busy trying to manage the impact of spiralling commodity and oil prices to care. Whatever the case, I salute you – you have prevented our nation from falling apart | ||
SATU DIRHAM, 10 DIRHAM, 100 DIRHAM ? Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:31 PM PDT Bangunan Ibu Pejabat PKR Dilelong Esok PETALING JAYA: Bangunan yang menempatkan ibu pejabat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) di sini akan dilelong sekaligus menjadikan parti itu tanpa pejabat. Bendahari PKR William Leong yang mengesahkan perkara itu berkata lelongan awam akan diadakan di sebuah pejabat di Brickfields dekat sini, petang Khamis. Katanya, lelongan akan bermula pada harga RM460,000 hingga RM1 juta bagi setiap unit, bergantung kepada lokasi unit dalam bangunan berkenaan. Meskipun Leong pernah memberitahu Malaysiakini bahawa PKR mungkin mempertimbangkan bagi membeli bangunan itu tetapi jelasnya, ia bergantung kepada harga yang ditawarkan itu. "Ada keputusan daripada pucuk pimpinan parti tetapi ia bergantung kepada harga," katanya ketika dihubungi. Pada masa yang sama kata Leong, belum ada pihak yang memaklumkan kepada PKR bahawa mereka berminat membeli bangunan berkenaan. Namun katanya, seorang peguam parti itu akan dihantar bagi memantau lelongan itu dan membuat bidaan jika perlu. Buat masa ini PKR menyewa bangunan lima tingkat itu daripada sebuah syarikat dengan sewa bulanan antara RM10,000 hingga RM20,000. Bagaimanpun, pemilik bangunan itu dikatakan telah gagal membayar ansuran pinjamannya dan bank mahu melelong 10 rumah kedai milik syarikat berkenaan di sini | ||
Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:26 PM PDT
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KENYATAAN HAJI HADI "MENGHINA" SHUHADA MEMALI ? Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:17 PM PDT Tiada Negara Islam : Hadi DituntutJelaskan Fatwa "Kafir", SyahidMemaliKUALA LUMPUR, 8 Jun – Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang hari ini dibidas kerana sanggup mengelirukan masyarakat Islam dengan berpaksikan Al-Quran semata-mata untuk menunaikan impian mereka termasuk sekutunya menuju Putrajaya. Bekas AJK Dewan Ulama Pas Pusat, Datuk Ghazali Hj Ahmad berkata kenyataan Hadi berhubung pelaksanaan Negara Islam adalah satu kenyataan dangkal serta memperlihatkan bagaimana beliau telah sedar bahawa perjuangan selama ini adalah tidak benar dan tidak betul. Lantaran itu, beliau menuntut Hadi memberikan penjelasan lebih lanjut terhadap perkara itu kerana orang-orang UMNO sebelum ini telah dilemparkan dengan pelbagai cacian dan maki hamun termasuklah "Kafir" pada satu ketika dahulu. "Jika itulah kenyataan sebenar Hadi, bagaimana pula dengan kematian para syuhada Memali yang sebelum ini sanggup mati untuk menubuhkan sebuah Negara Islam. Apakah kematian mereka benar-benar syahid…Jika melihat kenyataan Hadi itu, waris mereka mungkin terguris kerana matinya kaum keluarga mereka adalah mati yang sia-sia dan bukannya syahid. "Apakah Hadi sedar dan tahu perkara ini.. Hadi perlu huraikan dan jelaskan kepada umum agar ianya tidak menjadi satu kekeliruan kepada kita semua. Janganlah kerana politik sempit dan gara-gara takutnya kepada DAP, Hadi terpaksa keluarkan kenyataan sedemikian rupa. "Apapun saya bersyukur kepada Allah kerana Hadi telah sedar daripada lamunanya selama ini, namun sedikit terkilan dan sedih kerana kesedaran Hadi itu adalah kerana mengikut telunjuk DAP. "Terus terang saya katakan, saya tidak terkejut tetapi cukup kecewa kerana seorang yang dianggap tokoh ulama di dalam Pas sanggup mengelirukan masyarakat dengan pandangan yang bercampur baur dengan kepentingan politik.," katanya kepada UMNO-Online, di sini, hari ini. Beliau mengulas kenyataan Abdul Hadi yang berkata parti itu akan lebih memberi tumpuan kepada negara berkebajikan dan bukannya negara Islam pada masa ini kerana mendakwa pelaksanaan negara berkebajikan disebut dalam al-Quran sedangkan negara Islam tidak. Ustaz Ghazali seterusnya menegaskan tumpuan Pas yang akan memberi lebih tumpuan kepada pembentukan negara berkebajikan hanyalah satu lagi jenama politik untuk perjuangan parti berkenaan. Menurut beliau setelah berpuluh tahun tegar dengan perjuangan Negara Islam , Pas hari ini tunduk kepada DAP yang dikethaui umum tidak akan setuju dengan konsep Negara Islam yang diperjuangkan Pas. "Saya nak jelaskan di sini…Negara Kebajikan ini umpama Negara Kesihatan..Negara Ketenteraan..Apa yang itimewanya konsep tersebut sedangkan kerajaan yang ada hari ini bukan sahaja telah memberi tumpuan malah telah sekian lama melaksanakannya. "Percayalah itu hanya gula-gula politik untuk menutup perubahan dasar mereka yang dulunya Negara Islam tetapi hari ini Negara Berkebajikan. Tidak lebih daripada itu," katanya. -MediaUMNO Oleh : TG Azma5n TG Abas | ||
ULAMA PAS SILA BERI PENJELASAN? Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:11 PM PDT Hadi 'Wajib' Rujuk Karpal, Kit SiangBerhubung Agenda Negara Islam![]() Bekas Setiausaha Dewan Ulama Pas, Prof. Madya Mohd. Noor Deris berkata, langkah berkenaan adalah penting agar segala tutur katanya tidak memakan diri sendiri selain menjaga maruah parti itu yang kini menjadi tumpuan umum. Menurut beliau Hadi perlu bertanya dan mengadakan perbincangan dengan sekutu mereka yang lain khususnya Karpal Singh kerana pemimpin DAP itu pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan menyanggah prinsip perjuangan Pas berhubung agenda negara Islam.
"Jangan jadi "flip-flop"…..Hari ini nampak garang macam "Singa lapar" dalam mempertahankan prinisp namun esoknya bila "dijentik" dan "dipulas" telinga oleh pemimpin DAP, maka akan berubah kenyataan. "Bagi menutup perkara itu, mungkin ini jawapan Hadi…Kita akan berbincang dan itu adalah kenyataan peribadi saya….Bukankah itu menunjukkan perasaan was-was beliau dalam mempertahankan prinsip. Kepada Hadi, renungkan surah an-nas dan jangan jadi pemimpin yang mengamalkan politik syaitan," katanya. Presiden Pas Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang hari ini berkata partinya tidak akan berkompromi pada prinsipnya dan tidak akan tunduk kepada mana-mana tekanan berhubung agenda negara Islam. Prof Mohd Noor seterusnya menegaskan, apa yang diluahkan oleh Hadi hari ini menimbulkan seribu satu persoalan yang mana apakah Hadi mendapat tekanan daripada pihak tertentu agar mereka tidak memperjuangkan lagi agenda berkenaan dalam usaha menjayakan mimpi di siang hari pakatan pembangkang. "Jika tidak mendapat tekanan, kenapa pula tiba-tiba terpancul kenyataan sedemikian rupa. Bagaimana pula dengan kesanggupan pemimpin Pas Kelantan, Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Abdullah yang baru-baru ini sanggup mati mempertahankan Karpal Singh. Bukankah Karpal dikatakan mula berlembut dengan apa yang diperjuangkan Pas Sejak sekian lama. "Kalau Karpal berlembut, mungkin perkara ini tidak akan berbangkit lagi. Saya pun tidak tahu yang mana satu yang betul. "Mungkin Hadi boleh berikan penjelasan lebih lanjut. Namun beliau mungkin kena tunggu " ilham dan lampu hijau" daripada pemimpin DAP khususnya Karpal Singh sebelum membuka mulut. Tunggu dan lihat selepas ini…Saya pun tidak arif sangat untuk komen lebih lanjut," katanya | ||
BILA "UMAR ABD AZIZ" NAIK MASJID ? Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:02 PM PDT | ||
KERPAL SINGH TAZKIRAH PRESIDEN PAS MENGENAI NEGARA ISLAM? Posted: 08 Jun 2011 05:55 PM PDT Pas Dalam Al Quran Tiada Negara IslamKUALA LUMPUR 8 Jun – Kenyataan Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang ketika muktamar tahunan baru-baru ini, bahawa perjuangan mereka adalah kepada negara kebajikan dan bukannya negara Islam membuktikan ideologi rakan sekutu mereka, DAP telah meresap jauh dalam kepimpinan Pas. Abdul Hadi terpaksa melakukan tindakan drastik kerana terpaksa menyelamatkan parti itu yang bukan sahaja menghadapi tekanan dari pada UMNO dan Barisan Nasional (BN) malah dari rakan baik dalam pakatan pembangkang iaitu DAP dan PKR. Ketua Penerangan Wanita UMNO, Datuk Hamidah Osman menyifatkan apa yang dilakukan itu membuktikan Pas kini berada dalam keadaan terdesak dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja demi memastikan mereka dapat bersama dalam pakatan pembangkang bagi menghadapi pilihan raya umum akan datang. "Seperti kita ketahui, perjuangan Pas untuk menegakkan negara Islam mendapat tentangan keras terutama DAP sehingga Pengerusinya, Karpal Singh sanggup mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa jika Pas ingin menubuhkan negara Islam, mereka perlu langkah mayatnya terlebih dahulu. "Apa yang berlaku baru-baru ini, suatu kemenangan buat DAP terutamanya Karpal, mayatnya pasti tidak dilangkah oleh orang Pas kerana Pas sudah tewas, perjuangan Islam yang menjadi asas perjuangan Pas sejak parti itu ditubuhkan sudah berkubur," katanya kepada UMNO-Online. Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas kenyataan Mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad bahawa Karpal tidak perlu mati untuk Pas melangkah mayatnya jika berhasrat untuk menubuhkan negara Islam, perjuangan Pengerusi DAP itu sudah berjaya tanpa perlu bersusah payah. Hamidah berkata, selain tekanan daripada DAP, Pas terpaksa mengorbankan perjuangan parti itu bagi memastikan mereka terus mendapatkan sokongan daripada rakyat kerana menyedari mereka kini sudah kehilangan sokongan berdasarkan daripada beberapa keputusan pilihan raya Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak dan pilihan raya kecil sebelum ini. "Pas sebenarnya menjadi kuda tunggangkan kepada DAP dan PKR dalam pakatan pembangkang, mereka dijadikan alat untuk mendapatkan sokongan orang Melayu kerana kedua-dua rakan mereka itu tidak mempunyai kekuatan seperti Pas. "Pilihan raya Sarawak bukti jelas dimana Pas berputih mata, DAP menang bergaya dan PKR sudah punyai tapak di Sarawak," katanya. Menurutnya, pengorbanan Pas mengugurkan perjuangan asasnya adalah dalam usaha untuk menarik sokongan di kalangan bukan Melayu menyokong parti itu pada pilihan raya akan datang kerana perjuangan negara Islam dilihat menjadi kekangan untuk mendapatkan sokongan. Hamidah berkata, beliau berkeyakinan bahawa Pas akan terus menjadi pak turut dalam pakatan pembangkang untuk memastikan mereka masih dapat bersaing dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang. -MediaUMN | ||
JIKA ANUWAR ORANG BIASA ADAKAH LAYANANNYA.......? Posted: 08 Jun 2011 05:52 PM PDT GAPS Sifatkan Layanan Istimewa Mahkamah Terhadap Anwar Luar BiasaKUALA LUMPUR, 6 Jun – Tindakan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang mahu mengenepikan Hakim kes liwatnya untuk kali ketiga adalah satu tindakan yang amat luarbiasa. Malah ia lebih luar biasa apabila Hakim yang mengendalikan kes tersebut menangguhkan bicara kes tersebut ke bulan Julai bagi membolehkan Anwar merayu tindakan Hakim yang menolak permohonan tersebut. Presiden Gagasan Anti Penyelewengan Selangor (GAPS), Hamidzun Khairuddin berkata perbuatan Anwar merupakan salahguna kuasa sistem perundangan di negara ini. Ini kerana katanya mengenepikan Hakim tatkala Orang Kena Tuduh (OKT) telah dipanggil membela diri setelah kes prima facie telah didapati, adalah salahguna kuasa yang melampau oleh OKT. "Kini sistem kehakiman negara sedang diadili. Semakin ramai rakyat melihat kompetensi sistem kehakiman di negara ini amat nipis apatah lagi bila berhadapan dengan golongan ahli politik elit sebagai OKT. "Hakim-hakim dilihat memberikan layanan yang sangat istimewa bila berhadapan dengan OKT ahli politik elit ini. OKT golongan ini biasanya akan diberikan layanan sehabis lembut dalam proses perbicaraan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan kepada UMNO-Online di sini, hari ini. Sehubungan dengan itu, tegas beliau GAPS mencadangkan agar Hakim di negara ini belajar dari ketegasan Hakim di Amerika Syarikat yang memberikan layanan yang sama kepada semua OKT. Beliau memberi contoh kes Dominique Strauss Khan Pengarah Urusan IMF untuk melihat ketegasan Mahkamah Amerika Syarikat berbanding Mahkamah di negara ini. "Manakala rakyat marhaen atau mangsa marhaen seperti Saiful Azlan Bukhari langsung tidak dipedulikan akan keadilan untuk mereka ini. Semacam ada dua set layanan perundangan, satu untuk OKT ahli politik elit yang sangat istimewa layanannya, dua untuk rakyat marhaen yang langsung tidak dipedulikan nasib mereka. "Masih ada lagikah masa depan untuk keadilan bagi rakyat marhaen di Malaysia? Selagi ada ahli politik zalim, selagi itulah nasib keadilan rakyat terus dibakul-sampahkan," ujarnya yang juga mantan Ketua Pemuda PKR Selangor. -MediaUMNO | ||
BELAJAR UCAP TERIMA KASIH...... Posted: 08 Jun 2011 05:47 PM PDT | ||
CUBA BAYANGKAN SEMUA GLC UNTUNG ........ Posted: 08 Jun 2011 05:03 PM PDT PETRONAS untung RM90.49b |
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