Khamis, 9 September 2010

Apo Kono Eh Jang!

Apo Kono Eh Jang!

Selamat Hari Raya Aildilfitri

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 03:55 PM PDT

No matter how old are you, what type of car you drive, everybody loves and enjoy Hari Raya celebration. Well, this is the time to seek for forgiveness, meet your loved ones, eat all you can and not forgetting collect Duit Raya.

We wish to all our Muslims friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and may His blessing bestowed over you this Syawal after 1 month full of tests. To those who planned to travel during this festive season, there's only 1 thing we wish to say. Please be smart on the road.

Pemuda UMNO Cawangan Taman Bukit Kepayang, Bahagian Rasah, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan

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