Ahad, 22 Ogos 2010



'Menulis' semula masa depan UMNO

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 11:05 AM PDT

SEIRING Perhimpunan Agung UMNO tidak lama lagi, tulisan saya kali ini berkisar di bawah perspektif Re-Writing The Future History of UMNO atau "Menulis Semula Sejarah Depan UMNO". Ia saya wacanakan bersama cetusan emosi setelah meneliti pelbagai emel daripada mereka yang membaca ruangan ini.

Ada di antara e-mel berkenaan yang mempersoalkan kedudukan artikel-artikel saya yang sesekali condong "menyokong UMNO" dan menuduh saya begitu serius mempertahankan UMNO. Malah terdapat juga sebilangan kecil pengirim mempersoalkan "apa perlunya berbuat demikian?"

Menjawab persoalan-persoalan ini, cukuplah barangkali kalau saya katakan bahawa saya masih melihat perjuangan memperkasa dan memperbetulkan UMNO sebagai jalan terbaik demi masa depan orang Melayu di Malaysia. Rasionalnya, sehingga kini belum ada parti - termasuk Pas - yang cukup layak, berkredibiliti dan berkemampuan daripada aspek intelektual untuk terus memacu Islam, Melayu dan Malaysia ke mercu kejayaan.

Pengalaman mengendalikan negara berbilang kaum, menyusun rancangan ekonomi, hubungan diplomatik di peringkat antarabangsa dan mengatasi ancaman musuh luar yang dimiliki UMNO adalah terlalu essential dan tidak boleh diperolehi dalam masa singkat.

Dalam kata lain, sekiranya ada kelompok Melayu yang berhajat untuk menggantikan UMNO seluruhnya, ia akan mengakibatkan orang Melayu terpaksa "belajar semula dari bawah".

Begitu juga selama mana orang Melayu masih gagal bersatu padu sepenuhnya, selagi itulah UMNO masih perlu dipertahankan dan perjuangan perlu dipertingkatkan. Apatah lagi di saat-saat kumpulan Melayu terlerai kepada tiga pecahan besar ketika ini.

Hari ini orang Melayu bagaikan semakin hilang punca dan tidak keruan melihat pendekatan politik 'gila-gila' perikatan pembangkang yang kononnya mewakili Melayu dan Islam dalam usaha menggapai kuasa.

Soal moral dan asas perjuangan seolah-olah sudah boleh dijual beli. Sebagai contoh, orang Melayu sehingga terpaksa meminta bantuan NGO-NGO Islam dalam kes kuil Hindu di Seksyen 23, Shah Alam.

Makin parah lagi apabila tali persaudaraan demi survival bangsa yang dihulurkan UMNO ditolak mentah-mentah oleh Pas atas alasan "sengketa lama".

Oleh itu, UMNO sebenarnya tidak ada jalan lagi melainkan memperbetulkan semula kesilapannya jika mahu meraih kembali sokongan Melayu demi masa depan negara. UMNO bukan zombie yang mempunyai jasad tetap tanpa mata hati.

Sebenarnya, ini boleh dilakukan jika pimpinan UMNO jujur dan tidak hipokrit. Hentikan pendekatan branding yang melampau tanpa pengisian roh Islam kerana ia bakal menjadikan UMNO seperti zombie.

Selain itu, pemimpin perlu mencari jalan untuk memenuhi pengharapan, tuntutan dan keinginan khususnya daripada kumpulan pengundi muda Melayu.

Antaranya termasuklah pengharapan tinggi agar UMNO terus memperkasakan elemen Islam yang menjadi jati diri akhlak dan budaya Melayu.

Resolusi 1Malaysia bagi saya hanyalah pendekatan untuk menyelesaikan isu perbezaaan bangsa, bahasa dan budaya sahaja tetapi bukan perbezaan agama. Kalau digunakan formula yang sama juga, tidak masuk akal jika kita wujudkan kempen "1Agama" sedangkan gagasan Inter Faith Commission (IFC) juga ditentang habis-habisan oleh masyarakat Islam Malaysia.

Atas dasar inilah, jasa-jasa UMNO dalam memartabatkan Islam perlu digali dan dihebahkan seluas mungkin sebagai sebuah organisasi Melayu yang memperjuangkan Islam selama ini. Pelaksanaan agenda Islam melalui pelbagai dasar dan pelaksanaan kerajaan melalui agensi-agensi negeri dan organisasi seperti Tabung Haji, mahkamah syariah, UIA dan Jakim.

Begitu juga hukuman sebat terhadap Kartika Sari baru-baru ini. Ia menunjukkan pengamalan undang-undang Islam yang diusahakan kerajaan UMNO.

Zaman berubah, Islam yang dipertahankan oleh UMNO kini berdepan dengan pelbagai cabaran baru. Antara lain ialah lahirnya aliran-aliran baru dukungan 'ikon-ikon Islam ternama' yang diiktiraf oleh media dan beberapa NGO yang bercanggah dengan syariah Islam aliran Ahli Sunah Wal Jamaah.

Justeru itu, saya menyarankan agar Fasal 3 (3) Perlembagaan UMNO bahawa parti itu akan terus menegak, mempertahan dan mengembangkan Islam sebagai agama rasmi Malaysia diberi keutamaan khusus oleh pemimpin UMNO. Islam perlu terus-terusan diperkasa dan dijadikan identiti utama UMNO.

Perlembagaan juga perlu mensyaratkan ahli dan pemimpin UMNO agar jujur, bermaruah dan "berjiwa Islam".

Sekiranya perkara utama ini dapat diperkemas dan diperbetulkan, tidak sepatutnya ada sebarang isu lagi yang boleh menghalang penyatuan umat Islam di Malaysia dan UMNO pasti mampu 'menulis' semula masa depannya dan perpaduan Melayu.

UMNO sebagai parti Melayu dan Islam perlu memberi keutamaan kepada ahli-ahlinya. Jangan sampai undi yang dikejar dari kaum lain tak dapat, undi Melayu sendiri pula keciciran.

sumber : Feriz Omar.


Posted: 22 Aug 2010 01:54 AM PDT

Put your stuff here

WAJIB BACA - Perlembagaan digugat?

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 12:54 AM PDT

Perlembagaan digugat? — Awang Selamat
August 22, 2010

22 OGOS — Kenyataan Mufti Perak, Harussani Zakaria tentang ada 'perlembagaan baru' dibuat oleh pihak tertentu bagi menggantikan Perlembagaan Persekutuan, mengundang perhatian besar.

Beliau yang mempunyai bukti mengenainya mendakwa, perlembagaan baru itu menyisihkan hak orang Melayu dan agama Islam yang dijamin dalam perlembagaan sedia ada. Pendedahan Harussani berhubung perkara itu dianggap mengejutkan tetapi Awang sedikitpun tidak terkejut.

Awang pernah menulis dalam ruangan ini tahun lalu tentang usaha untuk menulis perlembagaan oleh parti politik tertentu. Ia dipercayai ada kaitan dengan persiapan untuk membawa Malaysia akhirnya menjadi Negara republik. Selagi perlembagaan tidak ditulis semula, selagi itu sukar untuk merungkai asas kenegaraan, bagi mengikut acuan gagasan parti pembangkang berkenaan.

Tulisan Awang telah mengundang tindak balas pihak berkenaan yang membuat laporan polis mengenainya. Ketika diambil keterangan oleh pegawai polis, Awang tidak berganjak dengan pendirian dalam tulisan itu. Kini satu demi satu terdedah. Yang kuat tersemat sebagai perkara tersirat mulai terbongkar menjadi perkara tersurat. Kalau Harussani mempunyai bukti mengenainya, banyak pihak lagi juga sesungguhnya sudah dapat menghidu gerakan yang sedang dilakukan berkaitan perlembagaan.

Antaranya kempen penerangan yang agresif oleh NGO pro-pembangkang atas nama mengetahui hak dalam perlembagaan tetapi sebenarnya bertujuan mendapatkan input bagi menilai semula perlembagaan. Begitu juga isu-isu berkaitan perlembagaan yang diolah secara tersirat oleh beberapa pihak dan ghairah pula disiarkan oleh akhbar bahasa ibunda dan portal berita tertentu. Malah ada akhbar berbahasa Inggeris turut terikut dengan agenda yang sama. Jika tidak percaya, lakukanlah kajian

kandungan akhbar edisi-edisi yang lepas dan amatilah secara tajam apa yang dibaca mulai sekarang.

Ini meliputi isu-isu berkaitan Islam sebagai agama rasmi, kedudukan Raja-raja Melayu, bahasa Melayu, hak keistimewaan Melayu, kontrak sosial dan kepentingan institusi-institusi awam. Kalau dalam sebahagian blog, ia lebih ketara dengan diwarnai kempen dan sentiment Misi Ke Putrajaya iaitu bagi membantu parti sebuah kaum untuk memerintah negara selepas pilihan raya umum ke-13 nanti. Institusi raja, Islam dan kedudukan istimewa Melayu yang terlindung di bawah Perlembagaan negara, diperlekehkan dan dihina. Awang melihat ini semua sebagai ancaman keselamatan dan bimbang akan tiba saat ledakannya.

Maka sebarang pencabulan terhadap Perlembagaan negara perlu ditentang

habis-habisan. Kepentingan kaum yang keterlaluan dan berbahaya tidak seharusnya dibiarkan mengatasi keunggulan Perlembagaan. Banyak pemimpin kaum minoriti di luar negara begitu menjunjung perlembagaan.

Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Barack Obama misalnya, sejak di awal penglibatan dalam politik berikrar mempertahankan perlembagaan dan tidak pernah tergelincir daripada asas tersebut. Di negara-negara lain juga senarionya begitu.

Maknanya, apa sekalipun aliran dan perbezaan ideologi di kalangan parti-parti politik, perlembagaan sesebuah negara perlu dipertahankan oleh semua pihak tanpa mengira agama mahupun etnik. Tetapi sebahagian pemimpin pembangkang di negara ini tidak begitu. Mereka terlalu rasis dengan berselindung di sebalik demokrasi, kebebasan bersuara dan kononnya atas nama penambahbaikan kaum. Mainan muslihat untuk kaum mereka, begitu dahsyat.

Lebih memburukkan keadaan, ada pemimpin pembangkang Melayu yang bersama-sama berkongsi aspirasi itu demi memburu kuasa. Pemimpin Melayu itu hanya berdiam sahaja apabila perlembagaan negara dijadikan sasaran. Siapa pun kita, kita harus menjadi warga negara yang taat dan setia kepada negara. Maka Awang cabar parti-parti pembangkang untuk menyatakan ikrar menjunjung sepenuhnya perlembagaan negara. Jika berani dan bertanggungjawab, sahutlah. — Mingguan Malaysia

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or newspaper. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse the view unless specified.e

Racial politics still a game today

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 12:52 AM PDT

AUG 22 — As we approach yet another year's end in Malaysia, nothing much has changed in the political landscape. True, there have been inroads made by the opposition since 2008, the states governed by the opposition have shown that they can be independent in managing its own affairs. And yes, the conundrum of the ruling BN kept the nation in tatters and laughter over the last two years.

But nothing much has changed on the way we play the political game, and this is much the same across the board, no matter whether you are the government or the opposition. The race card is still very much the order of the day, and whether Malaysians like it or not; it is still shaping the future of Malaysian politics — until such time when we can come to terms with the indignities of racial politics and what it would entail for our future generations.

Even the Prime Minister, in his earnest to promote racial harmony through his 1Malaysia ideology, has suddenly softened his stance on the need for racial politics to be uprooted and a more meaningful growth-based and people oriented type of politics be used as the new paradigm in Malaysian politics. Sadly, Najib had to find this out the hard way; many of the people who at first publicly supported his 1 Malaysia (including the current No.2) has suddenly fizzled out into quiet discontent over the threats to their own party's survival if the idea of a unified party ever comes to bear fruit.

As we try to unravel the mysteries of corruption, patriarchal or matriarchal patronages in politics and expose their filial repercussions on this great nation of ours, we still haven't found the right tonic to eradicate racial politics from our mindsets. It might even take two or three future generations to do this, but the beginning must always start now. We know it, the people know it, politicians know it. But to change is something we have found to be quite a tricky path to take, and one many currently see not going to move soon.

The recent public outcry over an alleged principal's racist remarks in a secondary school in Johor is just one of the many incidents that is blatantly used by political parties to play the racial card. One would have expected Umno and other BN components to spearhead this game, but now even PKR, PAS and DAP has upped the ante by coming out with their own teacher-bashing statements. No doubt they might look good in their PR exercise, but all the parties (including BN) forgot that at the end of the day, when the dust settles, the only people who will remain angry and dissatisfied would be the teaching fraternity, and if this thing ever boils over to a different tune, imagine the shift in voting patterns in the next elections.

The same applies to the alleged name substitution by Penang CM Lim Guan Eng from the King's in one of the Friday prayers' sermons in Penang. All hell broke loose the minute Utusan carried the news. As it turned out, the report is still unconfirmed as a true source and Utusan is still to back it up with actual footage of the sermon using the CM's name. To us, unless there is viable evidence proving it, any news report is only allegations mitigating proof. But BN politicians (mostly Umno) were quick to pull the trigger without verifying the reports in the first place. And when the DAP came out with its video defence of the allegations, another nail could be banged into BN's coffin unless they can prove otherwise.

The MCA realised that it was treading on thin ice when its President called for a gradual rescind of the pro-Bumiputera affirmative policies practiced since the birth of this country. But it had no choice, the Chinese community is already up in arms over what it alleged to be unfair practices that is denying it further prospects of prosperity. What the President failed to put into his words is that although affirmative policies can be changed to a needs-based policy; the outcome would in the end, negate the very nature of what the political parties represented to its members and the people.

It is true that as Malaysia evolved into a matured nation, more and more people would be inclined to utilise a merits-based system based on the objectivity and rationale for the betterment of the country.

Mind you, this notion is shared not only by the Chinese, but by all Malaysians, irrespective of race. Many Malays who have made it in life also feel that a merits based system would suit everyone better. But unfortunately, the present system that is in place would have to go.

Although we all know it would be a good move, there are still lingering fears that a merits based system could still benefit only a certain segment of the community, and not Malaysians in general.

A merits based system would award contracts, scholarships and others to the most worthy; and in political terms, deny the parties concerned their chance at becoming instant heroes for seemingly fighting to better the state of certain groups of people. This is the myopia that has stopped this idea in its tracks. Instead of listening to the reasoning, everyone seems more concerned with what would be lost if this system replaces the present race-based merits system.

We forget that in the present system, race is not only the basis of consideration. If it is, we would be wondering why after more than 30 years of the NEP as we knew it the policy is still to achieve its aims and objectives. That so far, only 19 per cent of the targeted 30 per cent equity for Bumiputeras have been acquired, and to top that off, almost two thirds out of the 19 per cent belong to conglomerates and GLCs instead of individual Malays. Many Malaysians feel threatened by a merits based system simply because they would not be able to compete on a level playing field with other; as even under the present system they have yet to fully realise their potential.

This can be easily attributed to wastages and unfortunately corruption and abuse, attributes that exist on both sides of the political divide. To coin one former politician's words — I trust my friends better to do the job successfully than to another Joe whom I have no idea having a capacity to do it. This was the practice of former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir and any other politician in power.

Whether his thinking reflected the poor state of development at the time remains a question still debated today; but at that time there were so few people who actually have the capacity to complete jobs and development that are necessary for the nation. Then again, who better to trust to complete the job than your friends, especially those that have been there to support you in times of need?

Providing opportunities to these so called friends also had a purpose; the idea was for them to start a new network, a net of sorts to groom new entrepreneurs, new corporate giants and nurture a new generation of people able to move with the times. But unfortunately, true friends can be counted with one hand. Some of these friends became bandits who not only rob from the government, but also dished out cathartic development at costs that are still being reflected in our everyday lives.

The North-South highway is just one of them. First conceived as a breakthrough in development, the designers and planners failed to see even 10 years ahead of its needs and development. Instead we only thought about constructing a highway for the sake of it. So today, the highway is still being enlarged to accommodate more vehicles at a cost the people will have to bear through tolls and others. The American freeways were developed in the 60s and 70s, and yet; they are still capable to ferrying millions of vehicles everyday up to today.

If costs were a factor then, isn't it also a factor today? The Penang Bridge was our moment in history; and yet when we built it; we forgot even to put a simple lay off lane for accidents or stalled vehicles to park; and to top that off, we only have two lanes on each side. Now, the government will have to spend billions more to build a new bridge, money that could have during the earlier construction, be saved if we have seen it coming.

Proton is another malady which was a good idea but poorly thought through. Sure, we wanted to build a new Detroit of the East, but we forgot that for any manufacturer in the automobile industry to be competitive, the answer has got to be continuous demand. We once had an idea of having a 70 million population to ensure domestic demand remains a strong factor, but that idea has long been forgotten.

Where we failed to consider is also the notion that most successful producers are key exporters of vehicles. Proton is saddled with high costs as it has failed to generate volumes in sales. Makes like Honda and Toyota are selling an average of 1 million vehicles worldwide every year and still they report losses; so where is Proton in all of this? Coupled that with ridiculous pricing for its parts by again — abuse and corruption by its vendors and connected people within the organisation; and there you have it; a company who still has to depend on government policies to stay afloat.

On the education front, despite a lot being done for the Bumis over the last 30 years, school drop outs and failure rates still remain a pertinent issue. Every new minister taking control of the Education Ministry has some boisterous plan to inject new blood and haul the system up, but we always ended up the poorer and much worse due to its inconsistencies and sudden changes in management. To top that of, our present system is only interested in producing good grades and not good students. Hence the rising unemployment rate once these students find out that government jobs are getting harder to come by and that they have very little to offer the private sector, let alone possessing adequate entrepreneurial skills to be competitive in business.

And the fiefdom of the business world exacerbate further the notion that merits based policies might not be a good idea today. Job and contracts are given to those with close connections to whoever is in power in politics, government or business. Where is the logic of merit in that? And decisions made are sometimes hurried for a certain benefit that only gets to a few people instead of the company, its shareholders or the people.

So we are forced to mitigate these factors as we plod on the path to a fairer and just system called merits based, which unfortunately, judging by present conditions, will again be abused for the sake of some individuals who "merit" the award. And political parties will never agree to it, this is the leverage that they have been using all this while to churn loyalty and support to its leaders and causes.

Sadly, the politicians fail to realise that among the 27 million odd population, less than 40 per cent actually belong to any political party. And this is the main reason for the widening gap between politicians and the general public which we are seeing today.

At the end of the day, it boils down to a simple question, do we really want to change? Change can be a battle cry for politicians, but when the time comes, can they change it? Although much is talked about a united Malaysia where the people all treat themselves equally as Malaysians, no single party in Malaysia can claim that they have been passive when the race card is issued.

So in the end, race based politics is still much the same, and despite claims to the contrary, every political party is still harping on it. Maybe it is because we have discovered that race based politics is not just an issue for politicians, but also an issue for Malaysians in general.

Only when Malaysians accept that race based politics have to go can a change be made. Politicians and political parties irrespective of sides need to be told that whoever plays the racial card would get a lesson in Malaysian national integration by the people. If this cannot be done now, then changes for the betterment of our political system will take another step backward, and may take eons to come full circle again.

* Delimma is the pseudonym of a regular The Malaysian Insider reader.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or newspaper. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse the view unless specified.

Pakatan wants to ‘destroy’ constitutional monarchy, claim Malay groups

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 12:48 AM PDT

August 22, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 22 — An umbrella body of Malay rights groups today accused the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) of having "grand designs" of turning Malaysia into a republic, citing the Penang sermon issue and last year's resistance to the Perak political putsch.

Malay Consultative Council (MPM) secretary-general Dr Hasan Mad claimed that there have been four cases where PR have shown their "utter contempt" for the rights of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as well as the Sultan of various states in the country.

"Quarters in society, mostly from Pakatan Rakyat, are trying to destroy the concept of constitutional monarchy. They want Malaysia to be a republic, and do away with the rights of our kings," Hasan told reporters here.

The remarks from MPM, which is led by Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali, come on the back of allegations made by Penang Umno liaison chairman Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi that several mosques in the Tasek Gelugor, Permatang Pauh and Jelutong areas had replaced the name of the King with Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng in Friday sermons.

"This latest incident is not new. It is an addition to other cases where there is a blatant disrespect towards the Royal institution," said Hasan.

The MPM previously had focused on pressuring the Najib administration to keep what it called Malay rights and privileges in the economic sector despite reforms under the proposed New Economic Model (NEM).

Most of its members are small organisations dominated by Perkasa, the Malay rights group founded by Ibrahim, the Pasir Mas MP.

"There are at least four more cases where this has happened. In Perak, when Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Dr Zambry Kadir took over as Mentri Besar, Pakatan challenged the constitution as well as the Perak Sultan.

"Recently in Selangor this happened where the Queen was not invited to a function... also in Johor where the Johor Sultan's picture was used by Chua Jui Meng," he added.

The MPM committee member claimed that PR was secretly stoking the "hatred" among people towards the concept of a constitutional monarchy.

"The khatib involved in uttering Guan Eng's name during the sermon... he would not have done that if he was not pressured," Hasan claimed.

The Penang PR government today, however affirmed its loyalty to the King as it sought to contain the debacle over the on-going issue of the Friday sermons.

Umno has listed six mosques which have swapped the names in sermons delivered by guest khatibs (prayer leaders) since February, with its newspapers claiming Lim's government was being disrespectful to the King.

PR has denied the allegations and Lim chaired an emergency meeting today where they passed a 10-point resolution over the issue that could cost the coalition Malay Muslim votes in the next general election.

State religious affairs executive council member Abdul Malik Kassim on Friday said the state or the religious affairs department have not received or issued any directive over the use of Lim's name in Friday sermons.

They however admitted that some prayer leaders had mentioned Lim's name in the context of seeking Allah's grace to get the chief minister convert to Islam.

Yesterday, Mansor and Malik in a joint state statement urged Umno to stop politicising the issue, saying the Malay party should just lodge reports to police and the Islamic authorities for investigations.

Pandangan Penulis : Bagaimana pandangan orang bawahan PKR dan PAS setuju ke?

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