Isnin, 1 Oktober 2012

Puteri Bahagian Segambut

Puteri Bahagian Segambut


Posted: 01 Oct 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Its budget for the people that was planned for the people – a budget that caters from the cradle to the grave – no one was left out and obviously no single profession and business was not thought of.

Premier Najib Tun Razak had on September 28 unveiled the most beautiful budget that has been described by many as the most practical given the current slow economic growth worldwide that of course affect our country Malaysia.

I remember when I was in Helsinki years ago, and there was this middle age gentleman who was proud of his country Finland because the government took care of its small population from birth to death.

And when Najib presented the budget last Friday and after going through all the pertinent points, I remembered the exact word the man told "the government takes care of us from cradle to the grave", litterally means Najib's budget ahs everything for evevrybody which means he cares.

Most importantly is that the budget stressed on the needs of the population that will give yield for them in the future which were housing, education utilities and employment.
These are the need of all Malaysians that can spur economic activities from within and drive the country to a developed nation by 2020.

Najib's budget made Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) budget that was announced a day before his tabling as 'kids play', a mere arithmatic, not even to the level mathematics, chart that even a layman on the street could pen.

Now, three days after Najib table the budget, the opposition called for debate between none other than Bajib and of course PR's idol Anwar Ibrahim.

A debate on this is already set in Dewan Rakyat, no need to go on stage because that is right and proper platform and not street debate as budget is something that is very, very important that affect the very soul of a country – the population.

Of course the opposition PR would want to show to the voting population that their budget is more reliable when every sane, rational and right thinking Malaysian knows PR's budget was a mere propaganda.

Like a carrot placed in front of the donkey where the donkey cannot even have a lick at it what more to eat it – literally means the PR's budget was just a dream out of a wild or childish imagination which is reality is not even worth a thought.

So Malaysians from all walks of life, since Friday rejoice at the new budget which gives them real hope –not make believe hope – their future and that of their children are well taken care of.

And financially, despite the increase in cost of living, Malaysians can still live a comfortable life with the new budget as they can now, at the very least, afford to save a little.
Not so much but as the saying goes the reality of a better life is worth thousand times more of a dream that can never be achieved

PR Caci Kakitangan Kerajaan @umbkl

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Selepas DS @NajibRazak mengumumkan bonus untuk kakitangan kerajaan, as per Budget 2013, ramai penyokong - penyokong pembangkang yang berbangsa Cina mula mengkritik dan menghina kakitangan kerajaan contohnya seperti pemalas dan tidak deserve bonus 15 bulan yang diberi oleh DS Najib. Gambar dibawah adalah komen - komen penyokong pembangkang dalam beberapa portal pro - pembangkang seperti The Malaysian Insider dll :

Selain itu, biasalah yang dok kena kutuk dan hina ni kakitangan kerajaan yang beragama Islam/Melayu. Lagi gambar - gambar di bawah:

Baru dapat kuasa sikit dah pandai nak hina kakitangan kerajaan. Ada pulak komen tu x sabar nak lay off 20 - 30% kakitangan kerajaan bila dapat kuasa. Bagus lah, yang majority pun orang melayu. Kita ni dah lama berkuasa tapi x pernah nak hina - hina bangsa lain, top ten paling kaya pun 8 daripada nya orang Cina, lagi x pernah satisfied. So, masing - masing decide nak masa depan negara yang macam mana. Chow!

Status Pemilik Bas Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat @Khalid_Ibrahim Menipu?

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 11:49 PM PDT

 Persoalan yang telah dilayangkan oleh Ketua Pemuda UMNO Selangor, YM Ungku Salleh Ungku Jamal hampir sebulan yang lalu kepada Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim mengenai status bas kontroversi Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat tidak dimampu dijawab oleh Tan Sri.

Klik sini, artikel mengenai desakan tersebut.

Tindakan Tan Sri yang seolah² cuba membuat bodoh akan pertanyaan tersebut telah mengundang rasa marah rakyat Selangor khususnya yang merasakan ada sesuatu perkara yang tidak kena dengan milikan status bas ini.

Cuba kita tengok gambar di bawah ini.

Saya merasakan jika Khalid Ibrahim ingin terus menerajui kepimpinan negeri Selangor, maka sikap ketelusan mengenai sesuatu perkara perlu diperjelaskan secara baik dan terperinci. Lihat bagaimana kerajaan Persekutuan hari ini memperjelaskan kepada rakyat mengenai sesuatu perkara yang sengaja dilontarkan dengan niat memburukkan reputasi Barisan Nasional (BN).

Berbalik kepada isu pemilik bas tersebut.

Dalam kenyataan yang disiarkan dalam akhbar SelangorKini (31 Ogos 2012 - 7 Sept 2012), Khalid menjelaskan bas ini disewa khas olehnya untuk kegunaan PR menjelang Pilihanraya Umum 13 akan datang. Khalid juga turut menegaskan membayar sewa bas tersebut menggunakan duit poketnya sendiri.

Baca di bawah ini.

Persoalan yang mudah untuk dilontarkan kepada Khalid Ibrahim. Mengapa keterangan dalam akhbar tidak sama seperti yang terdapat pada geran bas tersebut.

Saya mengandaikan jika seseorang ingin menyewa sesuatu kenderaan, sudah tentu namanya tidak akan ditukar pada geran kenderaan tersebut kerana ia sudah menyerupai seperti memiliki kenderaan itu atau dalam bahasa sekolahnya, membeli / memiliki kenderaan tersebut secara mutlak.

So seperti yang ditegaskan oleh Ketua Pemuda UMNO Selangor, beliau menggesa Menteri Besarnya supaya kelihatan lebih telus dan rakyat yakin dengan kerajaan Selangor.

Rakyat Selangor berhak membuat penilaian dengan kerajaan ketelusan Selangor hari ini. Mereka memperjuangkan kerajaan yang transparent tapi hakikat sebenarnya mereka sedang mengorek kekayaan negeri dan disumbatkan ke dalam poket kroni².

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